Journal of English Teaching, Linguistics and Literature <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature <span style="color: #ffff00;"><span style="color: #000000;">(</span><strong>e-ISSN: 2722-0540</strong></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #ffff00;">p-ISSN: 2721-3315</span></strong>) is a biannual journal publication run by the English Education Study Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung. This journal aims to provide a platform for English teachers, linguists, litterateurs, education practitioners, and established and early-career researchers for information exchange and proper insights into the English language. This semiannual review is a forum to obtain everyday concerns about English language teaching and learning issues, applied linguistics, and literature. ETTLI has published online and printed versions, which will be issued in April and September.&nbsp;</p> UNMUH BABEL PRESS en-US Journal of English Teaching, Linguistics and Literature 2721-3315 CONTENT ANALYSIS OF BAHASA INGGRIS TEXTBOOK USED BY THE ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL <p>The purpose of this research was to find out the feasibility of all chapters in <em>Bahasa Inggris</em> textbook for the eleventh-grade students of senior high school. The feasibility in this term refers to the content feasibility from <em>BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan). </em>This study used qualitative research and content analysis as the method of this research. The data collected of this research were collected from the core and basic competence of English subject for eleventh grade students of senior high school, rubric assessment, and <em>Bahasa Inggris </em>textbook for eleventh grade students of senior high school which published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. The result of this research shows that the score of content feasibility is 3.1, which means the content feasibility of <em>Bahasa Inggris </em>textbook for eleventh grade students of senior high school is ‘good’. Based on the result of this study, all chapters of the textbook have fulfilled all sub-components of the content feasibility from <em>BSNP.</em></p> Nabila Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of English Teaching, Linguistics and Literature (ETTLI) 2020-09-03 2020-09-03 1 2 61 69 10.35438/ettli.v1i2.183 Oppression Toward The Marginal Society In Patricia Mccormick’s Novel “Sold” <p><em>The major intention of this research is to analyze the causes of oppression toward the marginal society and the main character’s resistance to the oppression in Patricia McCormick’s novel Sold. The data was analyzed by using Spivak’s subaltern theory. The objectives of the research were to</em><em> find out the causes of oppression and </em><em>the main character’s</em><em> resistance toward it. The study designed is a descriptive qualitative method. The study results showed that the oppression was caused by four factors: (1) patriarchy (2) rural poverty (3) capitalism (4) age. Meanwhile, the main character’s resistance toward the oppression was (1) an act of obedience (2) enduring the suffering of fear (3) feeling dying, worthless, disgusted with herself (4) expecting freedom (5) seeking comfort by pretending (6) expecting the law of stopping the human trafficking (7) learning English and Hindi language secretly (8) longing for affection. </em></p> Neisya Merry Julia Pardede Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of English Teaching, Linguistics and Literature 2021-12-02 2021-12-02 1 2 70 86 10.35438/ettli.v1i2.177 STUDENTS’ READING SKILL BY USING PEER ASSISTED LEARNING (PAL) STRATEGY IN THE VIITH GRADE STUDENTS <p>This study was aimed to know the implementation of Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) strategy to improve students’ reading skill at seventh grade of&nbsp; SMP N 3 Sungailiat and to find out whether there was or not any significant difference of students’ reading comprehension between students who were taught by using Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Strategy and those who were taught by using non PAL strategy. Experimental research with quasi-experimental design was used in this research. The population of study were consisted of 236 students, 67 students as the sample purposively. This study also limited into some sub skills of reading, they were vocabulary knowledge<em>,</em> finding topics and understanding main ideas. The result of the test was analyzed by using statistical analysis of <em>Paired sample t-test</em> and <em>Independent sample t-test</em>. The writer used <em>Pearson Correlation</em> and <em>Cronbach Alpha</em> to know the validity and reliability of the test. Based on the result in research findings, second main point were obtained. First, the implementation of PALS was in <em>good</em> and <em>very good</em> category for attendance and attention aspects based on the observation sheet result even though in some meetings were in average category and low category because of the student talked each other, made noise and not interested with some topics during meetings. Second, the students who were taught by using PALS had higher score in the post test than the students who were taught by using non PALS. In this case, the alternative hypothesis was accepted as <em>t-obtained</em> score for experimental group was 4.141, and it was higher than <em>critical value of t-table (</em>2.04). Finally, it could be concluded that there was a significant difference in students’ reading comprehension between the experimental and control group and the strategy of PALS. Therefore, the result of this study is expected to contribute in developing reading students’ comprehension achievement.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nofriansyah Indrawati Indrawati Ihda Husnayaini Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of English Teaching, Linguistics and Literature 2020-09-03 2020-09-03 1 2 87 97 10.35438/ettli.v1i2.180 JOURNALISTIC LANGUAGE WRITING STRATEGIES FOR STUDENTS AND BEGINNER WRITERS <p>Someone who does the writing activity sometimes has a pause or even stops in composing sentences in the writing. Moreover, the person is a beginner writer who has no experience in expressing his thoughts into writing. Journalistic language writing strategies try to get ideas in the face of obstacles that make writing activities hampered. The writings written by the authors are influenced by the understanding they have in presenting their writings about an event. The strategy chosen is expected to be able to make writers become lighter, easier, according to spelling standards, and of course able to solve it. Sometime the mistake made by the writer either intentionally or unintentionally will make a strong reaction to the author's self. A writer must practice first by knowing the strategies, tips, and tricks in order to produce writing that is liked by the general public.</p> Sinta Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of English Teaching, Linguistics, & Literature (ETTLI) 2020-09-03 2020-09-03 1 2 98 106 10.35438/ettli.v1i2.182 Defamiliarization in the Novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory <p>Language used in literary works is commonly dif erent from language used in daily or ordinary language. Therefore, Russian Formalists introduced defamiliarization, in which it is known to be a technique to create or to see dif erences of literary languages and ordinary languages. In this study, researcher defined the technique of defamiliarization in the novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, with the intention to find the ef ects of defamiliarization in the novel. In conducting the study, researcher used qualitative method, because the researcher collected the data from sentences which showed strange or unfamiliar ideas, objects, and situations in the story of the novel. The result of this study showed that defamiliarization is used in the novel and it gave the ef ects of defamiliarization to the novel, especially at the level of perception, language, narrative structure, genre, as well as the literariness and aesthetic quality of the language in the novel.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Cita Hikmah Yanti Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of English Teaching, Linguistics and Literature 2020-09-03 2020-09-03 1 2 107 115 10.35438/ettli.v1i2.176